Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

The Docklands Food Guide #DocklandsEats

Someone has to do it, and it might as well be me.

About a year ago, I accepted a new job in Docklands. Never having really been to the area, I wasn’t quite prepared just how terrible the lunch situation in Docklands would be.

So you may have heard about how Docklands is a soulless stretch of city extension – where not a shred of culture had quite reached it. Food is awful and expensive, coffee terrible.

Yes. And no.

Yes, when I started here, I was absolutely flabberghasted that hot lunches are $15 and, well, quality and taste a bit left to be desired.  The good news is that Docklands has gone through a bit of a transformation. The past thirteen months have brought on a few pleasing developments in terms of quality food and coffee. Yes, there actually are good coffees in Docklands. The bad news remains though, Docklands is still a soulless stretch of city extension and lunches are still heavily overpriced (forget cheap eats, ain’t no such thing) and it’s still not, well, cool. But really, it’s full of office workers and people who live here are basically expat workers. It’s not getting cooler anytime soon.

But having said that, there are some good eats to be found. I will be posting a Docklands food place review on a weekly basis for the next few months. Meanwhile, for a more real-time eating, try #DocklandsEats hashtag on my Instagram account @katspat

Stay tune for the Docklands Food Guide series where I go through a few, okay, a lot of the Docklands cafes and restaurants. This series has been thirteen months in coming.