Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Slow Down! @ Harley Court, Acland St., St Kilda { Melbourne Review }

Date visited: 19 June 2010

I have decided to declare a blogging amnesty on myself. Fact is: I eat a lot more than I blog. While recently, my eating out has slowed down dramatically due to Mini Me being, well, Mini Me, I still have piles of old photos of meals that I took a long time ago. So this blog post will be full of pictures but short of description.

This meal took place so long ago that I can barely remember the details. It was back when Ron O’Bryan was at the helm of the kitchen and, believe me, he cooks some damn good nosh.

(Some sort of salad involving beetroot)

However, here are some of the things I do remember about that night:

(Stuffed zucchini flower – so very good)

1. They churned their own butter – and it was the best damn butter I have ever tasted

(Croquette of some dsecription)

2. The local was small, dimly lit, inimate, casual and all around lovely. And cheap. For a little restaurant doing such outstanding food that had been ethically, sustainably and locally sourced, it was cheap.

(Mushroom gnocchi – totally in adequate description, sorry)

3. There were five of us: me, Josh, Jeroxie, her Mister and their friend (my silly memory insists that the ‘friend’ was actually Mister’s sister but I don’t think so.)

(I’m sure this was beef)

4. This was the night Jeroxie and Mister found out that I was pregnant and they both had exactly the same surprise gasp and priceless facial expression. Sort of like ‘omg-you-are-an-alien-afterall’ type surprise. Priceless.

(Pork belly and some sort of beans)

5. I loved the quince crumble so much that I attempted to lick to glass clean. And I’m not generally a dessert person.


6. I don’t even remember enough things to even have a line after each photo. Oh well.

And now I feel that when those critics of food blogs yammer on about food blogs are unprofessional, I am beginning to see their side after all.

Slow Down! @ Harley Court
Address: 56 Acland St., St Kilda VIC 3182
Phone: 03 8534 3030

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