Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Random Stuffs I Eated #1

As I may have mentioned it once or twice, I eat far more than I take photos. And I take far more photos than I actually blog about them. So rather than letting them go to waste, I might as well put them up here.

Wow, I lied already. This was Pim’s strawberry tart from Brunetti in Carlton. I didn’t eat it.

Also lied. Didn’t eat this one either. Hong’s tiramisu from Brunetti. I’m not too sure why they felt the need to write it on edible white chocolate label. We know it’s a tiramisu.

Lunch at work one day – spiralli with Bolognese sauce and salad. People seem impressed when you eat salad at the office.

These are the muffins we always get at our department monthly meeting. I love savoury muffins – the two one the right are savoury (basil, tomato and cheese, and bacon and spinach). I eated a bit of each – our team shared them. The ones that look like banana and passion fruit are not. Strangely enough.

Tarts from Gill’s Diner (chocolate, pecan, lemon and lime) Nicole bought for her dad’s birthday. No, I didn’t eated them.

Garlic prawns from Degraves Espresso Bar. This is the place for cheap tapas fix after work.