Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Special Feature: The Cookbook Challenge

A fact has occurred to Rilsta that she has way too many cookbooks that she rarely cooks from. Frankly, this face has never occurred to me. Not until I realised that I have bought over 8 cook books over the past two weeks. But let’s face it, the more the merrier, right? RIGHT!??!

The idea of this challenge is very Julie/Julia-esque. We cook at least one recipe from any one of our cookbooks a week over 52 weeks and we blog about these dishes. Each week, we carry a theme. A theme could be a cuisine (‘Japanese’), an ingredient (‘Eggs’), or something totally abstract (‘fire’) – the theme is designed to be as nonrestrictive as possible  so we can use our creativity to marry with our inventory of respected author’s work (also, I just don’t want to be roped into doing desserts because I suck at them)

We came up with some fifty-something ideas and pull them out of a hat (or rather an envelope) to assign these themes to each week. Personally, I would have just written a macro that randomly assigns them but Rilsta thought an old fashion way is more fun. Well, she is boss!  So Rilsta, Shellie, Agnes and I came up with themes and Shellie made us a funky logo and we’re away.

First week’s theme (starts next Monday) is citrus. I swear I dreamt about it last night. Sad huh?

More information, head over to Rilsta’s blog: My Food Trail

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