Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Melbourne Food Review: Café No 5, Centre Place, City

Maya had just come back from Raya at home in Singapore and she was desperate for a good cup of Melbourne coffee. So during a lunch time (she had an extra day off the lucky thing).

We decided on Centre Place/Degraves St. area since it’s the closest place where there is the most number of cafés in small areas. We landed at Cafe No. 5 because it looked nice and cosy.

(sorry about the picture, it’s the only one I have of the wall)

The shop itself was rather funky. We plonked ourselves on the communal table. The walls were adorn with paintings and other interesting artwork. Maya promptly ordered a coffee. I believe it was her second one in about 3 hours of landing in Melbourne and since I spent 13 months in Singapore, I can vouch that Starbucks is considered good coffee in Singapore. So enough said about the state of coffee affairs in the little island nation.

(eggs florentine – $12.50)

The menu was relatively limited so I opted for a breakfast dish: eggs florentine, which was two poached eggs, spinach and hollandaise sauce on toast. Boy there was a LOT of spinach and I loved it. I swear there was about a salad bag full of spinach on my plate. The hollandaise was a bit on the thin side and I wish there was more (to go with the plentiful spinach) but I thought it was all right (hey I usually eat the jarred one, so of  course it was all right). It strangely reminded me of the instant Ikea meatball sauce.

The eggs unfortunately were a bit over cooked. I personally believe poached eggs must be runny. Am I wrong here? I rarely eat breakfast out (Why would I? Josh makes anything I ask! I am a lucky girl) so maybe I’m not the best person but I still think these eggs were overcooked.

(tuna and corn panino – $7.50)

Josh ordered a tuna panino. I had a bite. It was rather good but there wasn’t a lot of it. And for $7.50, you could get other HUGE sandwiches in other cafe in the area. But then not all of them had such a funky, chill-out interior good for catching up.

(chicken schnitzel – $7.50)

Maya ordered a chicken schnitzel and avocado panino. It was also good but she barely ate half of it. But the poor girl had just landed in the morning and had had two coffees already, she could be forgiven. I’m sure the coffee was good for her just coming back from Singapore though!

In other news, Maya bought me a pack of five Ibumie Mi Goreng from Singapore. I am so freaking stoked about it. It’s sooooooooo much better than Indomie Mi Goreng. Seriously. Does anyone know where I can buy Ibumie Mi Goreng in Melbourne? I have never seen one.

Cafe No. 5, 5 Centre Place, Melbourne VIC 3000