Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Baby Silver Beet and Garlic Crostini

Okay, it’s Friday night and I’m getting ready to go out (again) so just a really quick post on a very light lunch from last week.

I went to the market and found a bunch of really nice looking baby silver beet, so I grabbed a bunch. I figured since I had the really good Pure Bread Bakery onion and cheese sourdough bread (i.e. a really good crusty bread), it didn’t really need much.

I used:

  1. 1 bunch of baby silverbeet
  2. 4 slices of crusty sourdough bread, toasted (I recommend best crusty bread you can get)
  3. 2 cloves of garlic, sliced
  4. 2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil
  5. 1 tsp of salt

Carefully wash the silverbeet and remove the tough parts of the stalk. You can either chop the silverbeet into smaller pieces or slice the stalks lengthwise so that they cook faster.

Bring a pot of water to boil, salt it and blanch the silver beets for 3 minutes (I used baby silver beets so yours may need more coaxing).

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a frying pan until warm and add the garlic. Fry the garlic gently on low heat until soft. Try not to let the garlic colour. Drain and squeeze out any excess water from your silver beets and add to the pan. Sautee gently for two more minutes or until the silver beets are soft. Serve on top on the crostini.