Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Red Centre Trip: A Picnic in Horsham with the Uber Spicy

I spent the past week driving from Melbourne to Alice Springs and back. We spent a lot of time on the road! We packed ourselves a whole bunch of things to take along because we knew we would have little time to do food shopping along the way.

But for a start, our very first lunch stop in Horsham in a gorgeous park by the river after a few hours of driving.

(spicy prawn bamboo shoot stir-fry with loads of chilli and garlic, I call it ‘the uber spicy’)

Mum made her specialty: prawns and bamboo shoots stir-fry. It was uber hot. It had, like, 10 great red hot chillis in it. That will now be what I call this dish: the uber spicy. It was very yummy though. She pounded some really hot red chillis together with some garlic and salt. Fried the paste in hot oil (warning: will cause tears), add tinned bamboo shoots, prawns and spring onions. It was then flavoured with fish sauce and a chicken stock cube.

(I packed some rice to have with the uber spicy)

Josh took one bite of the uber spicy and decided that while it was very nice, it was way too hot for him. So he settled for a banana sandwich instead, which was buttered rye bread with banana.(banana sandwich)

I found some really nice strawberries so I brought them along. They were the juiciest, sweetest strawberries I had had in a long time.

These strawberries were gorgeous! The last time I had strawberries this good, I was in Japan and paid a lot for those famous Japanese strawberries.

I also had some cherries. I also found some lovely seedless grapes at an Asian grocery store in Glen Waverley by accident as well as a bunch of really nice pink lady apples and mandarins. Needless to say, this trip to the desert was hardly lacking in the fruit supply!

And then we continued on to our destination for the day, Adelaide.