Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

Salt and Pepper Tofu

Book: Secrets of the Red Lantern by Pauline Nguyen Theme: Soft Recipe: Salt & Pepper Tofu

First of all, I have to apologise profusely about being useless with the whole Cookbook Challenge thing. I am going to catch up. I promise. This was for Week 7 with the theme of soft. The reason this has stopped because my computer has decided to stop recognising my portable hard drive so my photos have been stuck there. That, and I have been away a lot and um, lazy!

First of all I love, love, LOVE the Secrets of the Red Lantern. It was the only cookbook I have ever read from start to finish (skipping the recipes) because it is just a truly special book. I remember sniffing on the train reading it everyday!

The theme soft was inpired by my (then) recent visit to New Kum Den where I fell hard in love with their salt and pepper tofu and soft tofu is one of my favourite soft foods ever. I unfortunately had decided that I should half wing it and half follow the recipe. I went for two separate types of tofu – one Japanese silken tofu and one egg tofu. I found that the egg tofu was by far tastier and much easier to handle while the silken tofu tasted average and was extremely hard to handle.

Anyway! What a disaster! I hate deep frying stuff, it’s horrible. Messy, messy, messy! Because I used the silken and egg tofu, I had to adapt a little. To be perfectly honest, this recipe really isn’t worth the hassle. Not only that, I managed to forget about the oil and caused a HUGE fire! Lesson learned: go and buy a fire blanket and keep it handy. Australia Post sells them relatively cheaply.

Salt & pepper mix

  1. 1 tsp of white pepper, ground (I ground the peppercorn in pestle & mortar)
  2. 1 1/2 tsp of salt
  3. 1 tsp of ground ginger
  4. 1/2 tsp of five spice powder

Mix all ingredients together well.

Deep fried tofu

  1. tofu
  2. corn flour to dust
  3. oil for deep frying

Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan until it shimmers. Carefully slice the tofu and dust with the corn flour and deep fry until golden brown. Season with the salt & pepper mixture.

Spring onion mixture

  1. 2 spring onion, chopped
  2. 2 red chilli, sliced
  3. 2 large cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  4. 1/2 onion, finely chopped

Fry the onions, chilli and garlic in a bit of oil until fragrant. Top the tofu.

Right, these are all the Cookbook Challenges outstanding for me. I’m going to try to get them out over the next couple of weeks or so. Stay tuned.

  • Week 8 Monday 4/01/2010 Sweet
  • Week 9 Monday 11/01/2010 Berry
  • Week 10 Monday 18/01/2010 Cool
  • Week 11 Monday 25/01/2010 Mixed
  • Week 12 Monday 1/02/2010 Eggs
  • Week 13 Monday 8/02/2010 Love
  • Week 14 Monday 15/02/2010 Japanese
  • Week 15 Monday 22/02/2010 Muffins
  • Week 16 Monday 1/03/2010 Noodles
  • Week 17 Monday 8/03/2010 Vietnamese