Spatula, Spoon and Saturday

Eating and Cooking all the things in Melbourne

$20 Feast: Mexican Feast!

(Chicken and Tortilla Soup, topped with avocado, lime and coriander)

Last week I was pondering whether I should do up a brenner feast (if you watch Scrubs, you’ll know what I’m talking about but if not, maybe next time) but Josh and I started talking about ‘that-Mexican-place-we-went-to-on-one-of-our-first-dates’ and I decided that I would do up some yummy Mexican stuff.

(Ocean trout enchilada)

The Menu

Chicken and tortilla Soup

Ocean trout enchilada served with spicy Mexican rice (arroz

Cinnamon-dusted oranges

(Mexican rice – Arroz)

I have decided to split this into three separate posts (and this one, so maybe that’s four? clearly I can’t count) for ease of categorising and to prevent this post from becoming wayyyy too long.

(Cinnamon dusted orange)

But before I launch into the making of each dish, the bill!

The Bill

Total $19.11

Ocean trout                  __________  $6.30
Canned tomato           __________ $0.75
Barbecue chicken      __________ $1.50
Enchilada kit                __________ $3.99
Celery piece                 __________ $0.10
Avocado                        __________ $0.62
Orange                            __________ $0.15
Coriander                      __________ $0.40
Carrot                             __________ $0.20
Red capsicums            __________ $2.00
Lime                                 __________ Free
Onion                               __________ $0.40
Seasoning                      __________ $1.50
Mushroom                    __________ $0.40
Basmati rice                 __________ $0.80

Now scroll down for each separate post. Or Part 1: Chicken and Tortilla Soup, Part 2: Ocean Trout Enchilada, Part 3: Mexican Rice. Err.. I don’t need to tell you how to dush orange segments with cinnamon, do I?